Tuesday 11 December 2007

It's time for Santa's gifts..

Posted by Little-queen at 20:49:00
Not long to go now, I'm sure everyone of us are very excited about Christmas.

It's Christmas once again! Are we all getting ready for our Christmas party, buying our secret Santa's gifts for mistletoe kisses and for togetherness, or finding recipes for our Christmas bake?

Just before all the Christmas madness, let's us all look back and think about the last 12 months and I guess all of us would like to know how 2007 was for us.

For me? Erm.. 2007 was a year of change, of discovery, of new beginnings and needed closures, it's been a year of making new friends, losing old ones, and I'd met some great people and some not so great people, and I learned to find my way around and judge people better. It's also been a time of rekindling old friendships that were lost for one reason or another. It has been a year of laughter, as well as tears, times of trials and times of triumphs. Each experience has been a growing experience and a memory that will stay with me forever.

I'm a year older now. It's hard for me to believe that another year has come and gone, and I’m another year older. I know I will see more friends go separate directions from the path my life is going. I know I will have my heart broken a few more times before I find the happiness that I hope for. I know that I have not achieve much of the dreams I want in my life. But, I will never give up the feeling of youth I have inside and the dreams I still strive for. And, I know that there's someone who are closest to me will see how much I need him and he'll always be with me, encouraging me, conforming me and supporting me. And, I believe I will see my dreams, my goals for life continue to become realities.

And before I go, to all of those who have been there for me over this past year, thank you for your friendship, your encouragement and your love. For my new friends, thank you for the smiles you put on my face with your wit and charm. To those I may have let down, I am truly sorry, and to those who have made me sad, I forgive you. I feel truly fortunate to have you all in my life and I raise my glass to each and every one of you, sharing the joys of this merry occasion with all of you. Cheers.

"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you, wishing all of you a great success and happiness for the year ahead and we'll see each others in 2008!"

Anyway, do come and visit my page often, and become a 'fan' of Little-queen. And, if you guys have any feedback for me, why not post it on my side? Whether it’s good or bad, I always love to know what you’re thinking, let's me know.. ^^

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